Friday, February 19, 2010

Veggie Tea Sandwiches

Now, I love Jennifer McMann's Vegan Lunchbox! I do I really do! But I tired her Veggie Tea Sandwiches for lunch for me and the hubby. I didn't use Vegan sour cream. I just used regular cause I'm a Lacto-Ovo Pescatarian. So funny to hear that! Anyways My husband still consumes meat as well so I wanted to give it a try.

Well it didn't work out very well. I followed the recipe like she said...but my bread ended up soaked all the way through before we even bit into the sandwich. Hubby didn't like that taste of radishes with cucumbers and sour cream. I tired it with different bread and still the same problem. We could hardly eat our sandwiches and I packed an ice pack to go with them. But it just didn't work for us. I don't think I'd even make a tea sandwich every again. I'm sure it worked for her just fine. Just not us.

Vegan Lunch Box . Com

Southern Grits Casserole with Red Pepper Relish

I would not recommend trying this one at all! Not only did it turn out horrible (and I know how to cook grits trust me I'm from the south) it was mushy and bland. The recipe asked for away to much water to add to the grits. It's kind of my fault I shouldn't have followed that part of the recipe but I did because I wanted to make sure yes this is going to work out. Well it didn't. They didn't add enough seasoning so it just came out blah and I would have preferred it for breakfast rather than for dinner. I do not think I would even make this again. It's just not something that tasted very good or I don't think the recipe was thought out very well. Maybe at the time it sounded good...but in practice it really isn't.

Got the recipe from this book.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Potato and Pinto Bean Soup

I tired this recipe that came from "Vegetarian Recipes" by Better Homes and Gardens. It came out suprisingly better than I hoped. It was very savory and full of flavor. I think it could have used bit more salt. I noticed we both added a little bit at the dinner table. It went over well for dinner and I think it will go over just fine for leftovers in the lunch box over a few days. This one for sure is on the list to make again. Can work with out the sour cream just fine. I find the sour cream makes it a little milky.


Hi my name is Dina. I'm just here to put all the recipes I have tired cooking in a place so I can review them and go yay or nay about which ones where great and not so great! (I just repeated myself!)

I'm a Pescatarian so any recipes I try will not have meat other than fish. Maybe some seafood. I'm working my way to eating that. I try pretty much anything I can get my hands on that is Vegetarian friendly and Pescatarian in nature. I also consider myself lacto-ovo so I try many of those recipes. I will include where I got the recipe weather it was from a cookbook or website and pictures if I remembered to take one of the finished product. I will also include recipes that didn't go over so well and I'm not willing to try again.

I cook for a Omnivore to...poor guy has to put up with no meat unless we go out!

The updates will be here and there as I cook. No repeats!

So let the fun begin!